Onawa Asobi Europe wishes all the best to Ero-Ouji, who is unable to join us due to health issues. We dedicate this weekend to his full recovery.
Onawa Asobi Europe wishes all the best to Ero-Ouji, who is unable to join us due to health issues. We dedicate this weekend to his full recovery.
Antwerp, Belgium
Onawa Asobi Europe 2024
28 & 29 September

Saturday 28/9
11:00 - Doors Open
12:00 - 18:00 Performances
20:00 - Shibari Night Rope Party
Sunday 29/9
11:00 - Doors Open
12:00 - 18:00 Performances
19:00 Afterparty (performers only)
Lineup Performances
毎年このフェスティバルを主催している吉田ヨイ(JP)が、BeShibari(B)と3度目のコラボレーションを行い、Shibari Loungeにてヨーロッパ版「お縄あそび」を開催する。
アーティストにとっても観客にとっても、日本とヨーロッパの文化交流の週末に参加できるまたとない機会です。日中は多くのパフォーマンスが行われ、土曜日の夜にはShibari Nightのロープ&プレイパーティーが開催されます。第3回目となる「お縄あそびヨーロッパ」は、9月28日、29日にアントワープのShibari Loungeで開催されます!
Yoi Yoshida (JP), the initiator and organizer of this annual festival, has teamed up with BeShibari (B) for the third time to organize this European Edition of Onawa Asobi in the Shibari Lounge venue.
For performers and audience alike, it is a unique chance to be part of a weekend of cultural & rope exchange between Japan and Europe. Daytime will be packed with performances and on Saturday evening we will have a Shibari Night rope and play party. We are happy to announce that the third edition of Onawa Asobi Europe will take place on September 28 & 29 in Shibari Lounge, Antwerp!
Yoi Yoshida has assembled a new team of Japanese performers and will bring a special guest from Thailand. BeShibari invited European talents, new and veteran, to share their joy and passion for rope bondage with the Japanese team and the audience!

Founder Onawa Asobi, Leader team Japan
Festival Organisers
& the Shibari Lounge Team